Monday, June 22, 2009

Because only Vampires don't have to cook

Once upon a time I used to cook dinner. I used to take the time to make treats for my wife's work buddies (they are disgruntled now and give me dirty looks). I used to have dinner parties and make beautiful pastries (I used to be a pastry chef), and then I met Edward Cullen. It was all down hill from there. I stopped cooking all together. Dinner consisted of:
A. Whatever wasn't molded over/freezer burnt
B. PB&J's
C. Take out (Option C always my favorite I would like to thank the lovely people of Thailand for their tasty fair)

Last night when I was making dinner for my client (I am now a caregiver) I started feeling guilty. Here I am making dinner for this person (Although I am getting paid to do it) when I won't take the time to slap something together for my wife. That's when I had a little idea. TwiCuisine. Yes that's right recipes for the very busy TwiHards.

Are you just to swamped with new TwiNews to bother with dinner? Just can't put down eclipse to feed the "starving" S/O? (lets hope you still have time to feed the pets) Then TwiCuisine is just for you! Recipes that take little time and effort (Because honestly twilight requires your full attention) on you part to pull together, so your family know you still care.

If Bella (yes I am referring to a fictional character and you know you do it too) could make dinner while Edward was around, and we all know how distracting he can be. I think there might be hope for us yet.

Most of all we love our families and we wouldn't want them to "starve" to death (My wife is melodramatic). They have stood by us in our darkest twilight hours and all of our drooling over Robward. Don't they deserve dinner?

I'm going to try to post at least one TwiCuisine a week (I don't feel guilty enough to cook everyday). Don't hold me to it, I do have a life away from the computer (little as it may be) and of course shit happens. In the posts I will include a shopping list, step by step instructions, and maybe a picture or two.

I hope this wins you some points with the S/O and or the kids.

I can't put my book down either.

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